Contract or ‘Con Trapped’?

Contract or ‘Con Trapped’?

Many builders are now charging an up-front fee of anywhere between $2000 to $5000 before anything substantial happens. In many cases the fee covers items that need to be done before the builder can prepare a quote – such as soil testing of your block and preliminary...

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Designing a Bathroom You Will Love

Designing a Bathroom You Will Love

The bathroom. Along with the kitchen, it is one of the rooms that can be deal clincher or a deal breaker when it comes to selling a home. That is largely because these rooms will have little or no extra furniture in them, so the design and style of the room and the...

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Let’s Talk About Real Collaboration

Let’s Talk About Real Collaboration

Plenty of builders will tell you that they listen to their customers to build a home that really meets their needs and desires. Some are genuine while other builders will appear to listen before pushing the customer towards options that are easy for them as the...

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You’re Invited on a Virtual Tour

You’re Invited on a Virtual Tour

Take a look around our latest display home at any time of day or night from the convenience of your office chair, the coffee shop, or your favourite comfy recliner. So long as you have a computer screen and internet access, you can take the virtual tour from anywhere....

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The ‘Genuine Local’ Builder Difference

The ‘Genuine Local’ Builder Difference

What does it really mean to be a ‘local builder’? Is it having a display home in the local area? No. Plenty of ‘out-of-town’ companies build display homes in new estates to give them a presence. Is it using local tradespeople? That’s a great start but there’s more to...

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Modern Options for Styling Your Kitchen

Modern Options for Styling Your Kitchen

When it comes to the look, feel, and practicality of your kitchen cupboards and benchtops, the number of options has increased vastly in recent years no matter what your budget. Advances in cabinet making materials and technology mean that it is easier and more...

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